Friday, February 17, 2017


Quick note before getting into the meat of this: this text LP was started on the day the game came out, and was updated semi-frequently for a few weeks until I was done with the game, at which point it slowed down dramatically. It was originally posted on my Patreon page as a bonus for people pledging $10 or more, and I would also post the updated trainer card on Twitter every time I made a new post. So at the time of me putting this up on the blog, everything up through the first postgame segment is already written, and (aside from my own grammatical inadequacies) everything will be in present tense for that reason. ...And that's about all I have to say, so enjoy.

So... it's been a while since I've done a text LP. About six years, to be exact, since the last (and only) time I did one was for SoulSilver back in 2010. There seemed to be a good number of people interested in me doing some kind of LP for Sun/Moon, but I decided against it for a couple of reasons. First of all, I don't have a 3DS capture card. A couple people offered to send me one, and my excuse for not accepting this was because "I don't really have any 3DS games I'd want to record". Well, this obviously would be an exception to that, but that leads to my second reason: I play through Pokemon games ridiculously slowly and it would take like nine years to get through it if I restricted myself to only playing it while recording.

Speaking of which, that's another problem with deciding to do this in text format. I basically can only play through small chunks of the game at a time, so that I'll remember what happened well enough to write about it later on. When I did the SoulSilver LP, that was during a time when I basically always had my laptop with me, and I didn't really have anything better to do than to take notes while playing the game. In my current situation, I'm not too far off from that (I don't have a job at the moment, so I can't blame it on that), but I also share the computer with other people and don't necessarily want to hog it up by writing every time someone sneezes in the game. So I'm going to try my best to manage this.

Anyways, a bit of info about the preparation for Sun/Moon before I get into the game itself. Before X/Y came out, I did my best to avoid spoilers, and didn't know about 20 or so of the new Pokemon when I played through it. I would have liked to know fewer of them, but since Gamefreak decided it would be a good idea to reveal almost all of them in the pre-release trailers (and the fact that there weren't very many in the first place), that didn't work out so well. So I decided to not bother avoiding spoilers on Sun/Moon. I've not bothered to read anything about the actual story or general progression of the game, but I know all the new Pokemon and some of the new features that were introduced. For the sake of anyone reading through this who is also experiencing the game for the first time, I'll try to avoid talking about stuff before it happens.

Lastly, there's the matter of me being an annoying Pokemaniac who feels the need to document anything and everything in a variety of lists, spreadsheets, and images. A few months ago, I put together a newbie's guide to Pokemon, intended for newcomers to the series that became interested due to the initial explosion of interest from Pokemon GO. The guide can be found here, and it consists of two long reddit posts and a series of pictures on imgur that basically just show off all the Pokemon of each generation.

Reddit thread

Because of the self-perceived success of this (I mean, it got on the front page of imgur for a day, so I guess that's something), I've been working on some other stuff as sort of a follow-up. I've made images showing what Pokemon are exclusive to what version, as well as a very large and in-depth chart that does the same thing in a slightly more user-friendly format. With the release of Gen 7, I've updated the chart as much as possible, but still need to put together the images, and I hope to do so in the next few days. Which means I get to play the game even less. So I'm not sure where I'll fit that all in, but I'll link to the finished product if/when it's posted.

With all of that out of the way, I think I can finally get started on the actual game now.

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